Sunday, September 6, 2009

Desiree Rosario-Moodie, Photo Editor, Vogue Magazine

Desiree Rosario-Moodie is the Photo Editor of Vogue Magazine, which is perhaps the most influential fashion magazine in the world. Her limited access facebook profile gave me much insight into her beliefs, hobbies, and lifestyle. It only makes sense that she leads a media driven life, so I decided to make a list of the top ten popular cultural facets that have (or have had) an impact on her.

10.) The "yoga movement"
9.) Marijuana/ its political debate
8.) Surge in the vegan/non-dairy diet
7.) Reality TV "art/design" competitions
6.) HBO: Real Time with Bill Maher
5.) The Prep School Negro
4.) Tribecca Film Festival
3.) 9/11
2.) Contemporary art and artists
1.) The Presidential election of Barack Obama